Wednesday 9 April 2008


Isnt it funny that we human like to go on and on about the stuffs that divide us when we are all so alike in a more permament way in that we are all born and we must all neccessarily die at some point. That is the essense this little poem of mine tried to capture.

Black or white
Beautiful or ugly
Tall or short
Fat or slim
We all die
And we’re buried
In a six feet grave
And sometimes not even up to.

Let us continue to keep the peace and project always what joins us.

Sunday 6 April 2008

Love song

Hope you had a great weekend, here is a poem i wrote a while ago, hope you enjoy it


You remind me of all that is beautiful
Flowers blooming
The full moon smiling
And the stars like diamonds, glittering.

You remind me of all that is refreshing
The sea on a sunny day
Palm trees swaying
The breeze so gently soothing.

You remind me of all that is soft
The feel of wool to the touch
The caress of silken garments
And the roseness of a baby's cheek

You remind me of all that is vivacious
Colorful birds singing
The sun on a beautiful day
The rainbow after a storm.

Have a wonderful week.

Friday 4 April 2008

Rambling: On keeping faith

I have this notebook which is quite wellworn because i have had it for a longtime now. Over the years i have written in it my poems, little stuffs that have caught my fancy and quotes, i am passionate about quotes, some are made by famous names and others; well, the not quite famous. These little notes have inspired me in my walk through life, flashing into my mind at odd moments, helping me remember that whatever i am passing through, someone has been there before and truimphed, i tell you folks, that is an encouraging feeling.
The other day, i was thumbing through my notebook and i came across this poem by R. L Sharpe which i will like share with you,
Isn't it strangethat princes and kingsand clowns that caperin sawdust ringsand common peoplelike you and meare builders for eternity?

Each is given a bag of tools
a shapeless mass
a book of rules
and each must make
ere life is flown
a stumbling block
or a stepping stone.

This poem got me thinking, privilege or want is no excuse for inaction, we do not have to let it constrain us, i grant that it is difficult coming from a background of nothing, i know that from experience but even those we consider privileged do not always have it easy. The present as well as history is coloured with men and women who conquered in their various fields against all odds. So, when you wake up in the morning and feel you cannot possibly survive whatever crisis you are experiencing, just remember this.
I know i want people to see me and be encouraged to be what they think they can be, and i know i do not have to be famous to be an example to my siblings, cousins and neighbours. Lets strive to be "stepping stones" and not "stumblingblocks"
I leave off with this final quote from Voltaire;
"Each player must accept the cards life deals him or her; but once they are in hand, he or she alone must decide how to play the cards in order to win the game."

Thursday 3 April 2008

RAMBLING: on books and the internet

I have always been curious about this blogging thing, this not so private way of assembling and of course disseminating your thoughts and your worldview.

The internet is a beautiful thing, here i am lying on my bed, my laptop on my tummy and i begin a journey that takes me across people's minds as expressed on youtube, facebook, and of course blogs.

We admit things on the internet that we would not dare say aside of cyberspace perhaps due to the constraint of race, religion or politics but on the net, we write what we really feel about issues because from the privacy of our homes and cyber identities, there are no limits.

It is our utterances when we are true to our beliefs that makes me despair because it is become so obvious that the things we left behind or should i say conveniently swept under the carpets comes back to haunt us, racism, ethnicity, bigotry, extremism, fanaticism e.t.c

To deny that the way we view the world will not be coloured by our perspective which of course is determined by upbringing, family, neighbourhood,religion or lack of it, and society in general is to deny the obvious but never to give ourselves the opportunity to see the other side is sad and limiting.

Books were the original internet, it helped us to connect with each other, it gave us an understanding of other cultures and perspective much like in the way well made films do. I have always thought that books gave us the opportunity to interact with those not ourselves and sometimes even helped us see ourselves more clearly. I love this quote by William Ellery Channing;

"It is chiefly through books that we enjoy intercourse with superior minds. In the best books, great men talk to us, give us their most precious thoughts, and pour out their souls into ours. God be thanked for books. They are the voice of the distant and the dead, and makes us heirs of the spiritual life of the past age. Books are true levelers, they give to all who will faithfully use them, the society, the spiritual presence of the best and greatest of our race"

let us continue to read and blog and perhaps it may guide us in the search for empathy.