Tuesday 16 August 2011

Various sayings

Many people are not born successful, they become successful. Many people are not born failures, they become failures.

How do people become successful and how do they become failures? The answer is through their habits.

"The secret of successful people is in their daily habits." Dr Mike Murdock

"The hand of the diligent will rule,
But the lazy man will be put to forced labour." Proverbs 12:24

What successful people do daily, failures do occasionally or never do at all.

Likewise what failures do daily the successful do occasionally or never do at all.

If I can see your habits, I can accurately predict your future. You gradually become what you do on a daily basis.

"Habits are first cobwebs, then they become cables." Spanish Proverb

My prayer is that you will cultivate successful habits and be delivered from every habit of failure.

Life is lived from inside out. What happens within determines what happens outside.

When an egg breaks from an outside force, a life ends. When an egg breaks from within, a life begins. Great things always begin from within.

It's not the things happening outside that affect most people; rather it's the things that happen within us.

"Above all else, guard your mind for it is the wellspring of life." Proverbs 4:23

The premium shouldn't be on guarding your material possessions. The premium should be on guarding your mind because that is where life ie change starts from.

When people change, it first of all starts from within ie the mind. When you change the way you think, things will change for you.

If you are already defeated within, it will show outside. If you are successful within, it will show outside.

I believe you are long overdue for a change of story.

Make that change happen now. Change the way you think and every other thing will change for you.

​No one will ever be criticised for making mistakes. Mistakes are part and parcel of life.

When you make a mistake and you learn from it, then you are on your way to success.

Mistakes for as long as they are learnt from, are steps on the staircase to success.

Every mistake is a stepping stone to the next level provided you learn from it.

Mistakes can also be the light that illuminate the darkness around you especially when you are treading new grounds.

In as much as mistakes have a positive side, you shouldn't turn making mistakes into a habit.

"Can a man scoop fire into his lap
without his clothes being burned?
Can a man walk on hot coals
without his feet being scorched?" Proverbs 6:27:28

"When you repeat the same mistake continuously; it is no longer a mistake, it is a choice." David Oyedepo

A choice is the right, power, or opportunity to choose; ie option. It is something that is preferred or preferable to others.

I see you making the right choices and every genuine mistake turns around in your favour from this day forward.

He's alive.