Thursday 26 April 2012

The Significant Few

"If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” ~ Albert Einstein

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The “significant few” was the theme of a message I heard in church recently. The pastor took us through history to see that the progress mankind has made were achieved by outliers. Earthlings did not have a conference to discuss the need for airplanes, telephones, fans, cars or even the needle. One man or woman had an idea, researched it, failed at it and then succeeded to give us the inventions that “the many” enjoy today. This is how it has been since time immemorial and how it would always be.

The truth is mankind can be classed in three different groups. The Achievers - those who make things happen. The Scorners – those who watch things happen and finally, the Drifters– those who have no clue what is happening.

To be an achiever requires being ready to be mocked, gossiped about and derided in the public space yet never giving in. Achievers are not necessarily the most brilliant, the most talented or the most beautiful; they however run faster, run harder and run longer. They are those who stay awake long into the night to dream of solutions. The achiever may not be famous, in truth most people in this category are vilified in their lifetime, only later generations acknowledged their immerse contributions, Galileo anyone? In fact, some may never be acknowledged. However one thing is certain, they are passionate and they change their world even if that world contains only one person.

Scorners and spectators on the other hand know how best others should sow their fields. Funny thing about this class of people is that their fields are overrun with thorns and thistles. However, rather that weeding and cultivating their land, they use all their strength to build a very tall observatory from where they pass comments on those busy working their fields. These are distracters, ignore them!

You do not want to be a drifter, these bunch are out of it. They have no idea what is going on. The truth is that it is easy to be in this group. In fact, most people have been there at one point or the other. There is no harm in that; the problem is remaining in this group. Drifters are totally consumed with “what shall we eat?”, “what shall we drink?” and “what shall we wear?” so that there is no room for “more”.This is a poor life.

Now “more” is not something vague. It is having an interest in something other than you, it is enriching lives, and it is bringing joy. It is adding value to you and others. You know, it is taking the hand of that little old lady at the traffic crossing and getting her safely to the other side of the street. I believe we lose our humanity when we lose our ability to care. Not everyone can be an inventor but everyone can care.

Thursday 19 April 2012

Let the truth be discussed

"Conscience is an open wound, only TRUTH can heal it" ~ Othman Dan Fodiyo.

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Today, I have a guest blogger on, my very first and I am pretty excited. His name is Eghosa and he writes like poetry. Maybe that is because he is a poet too. He has written this thoughtful piece as well as graciously allowed me to use one of his poems here. Enjoy.


Our world certainly is changing, whether here in a small town in West Africa or in Britain, whether with the Boko-Haram disease in Nigeria or the global economic drain. Surely to me it is almost like certain powers are taking over now, powers that are in control of almost everything and would dictate everything and would exhibit its own character. And then you understand why all sorts of things can happen in our world.

And then another worry is about the greed and strife for power -even though we don't get to live forever? Or that everything is vanity yet? Well, maybe I get personal here, talking from my point of view and of course everyone else have they own. Let truth be discussed!
People don't really care about much these days, we are particular about today like there really is no tomorrow. We do anything to satisfy our own flesh even if it cost our souls. Now the Fame! We all want to be heard about now, no doubt about that really. We want to be on the lime light too, and be treated everywhere like royals. In the news, on the papers and sadly, even to the grave? Don't they say fame is the worse drug known to man? We get addicted quickly and soon die of its overdose. But at the same time something rings a bell here, yes, something is beginning to show clearly here, for it was so written and even so predicted. When such injustice and inhumanity now thrives in our world like new laws, then nations that once was begins the way to its demise.
Although my main intention for this idea isn't just to steer up our minds but that we be cautious of what we do and the paths we choose to follow, and that we educate ourselves and be guided.
I have made up my mind about certain things, not because I accept them really, but you know I see nothing else to do than to pray about them, so I pray about everything.
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Great nigeria great!
Giant of Africa great!
But isnt there any wonder what's great about the state?
Perhaps its the same thing today we say,
The shame,The prejudice,
Our greed for wealth,and the role we play,

Of what good are we known for anyway?
On what justice have we prevailed?
Indeed our economy is sick,and about to die,
Having suffered of so much ills there comes a time to kill,
For our laid down laws,we by ourselves forbid,

Say it plain,we are but a laughing stock,
This my cousin would rather protest,
How beautiful,what in his mind forsees,
Had he seen the News@nine?
The bunch of jokes,The men of Gimmicks?
Its been so sad and tearful in my mind,

Great nigeria great!great!great!!
Thats what we truely are,in our individual faith,
Collectively we are but a rowdy play,
Spreading the flu even to the dame,
Greedily and Dishonestly,
Loyal to our own game.

Friday 13 April 2012

Twenty Naira

"The police is not your friend" ~ Anonymous

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Now, I am well aware that police road blocks have been banned in Nigeria, however, this poem was written a long time ago. I got the inspiration to do a poem in pidgin English after coming across one by Wole Soyinka on the back page of either Tell or Newswatch.

I thought about this poem earlier today and decided to share it here.


Stop! Stop!
Oga wetin na?
Wetin ai do?
Ai no de speed
Ai no de wrong lane
my seat belt sef, i tie am

Your papers nko?
Oga ai sabi dem
Driver's licence
Ai get am hia
All my particulars de kampe
Even sef, ai get insurance

Correct Sah! we see everything
What about kola for awon boys?
We sef sabi chop
Make you give us N20
Make we take hold our side
Abeg wet awie hand

Twenty naira wetin?
You sabi say ai de share money?
Na because of N20
Naim make una kill dat school pikin last week
N20 send tuke-tuke driver go grave

Oga wetin be your own sef?
Na N20 make you de preach like this?
Una like this wey go school
Na so una dey give us wahala
Na because say na you oo
Or else....

Anyway sef
You sure say this your car
Dey road worthy so?
I don see am sef
This your motor pass the 7 years limit
wey we president give

Oga ( with a very big smile)
You go follow us go station
You must come see we oga
This your car
Na menace for we roads
Na people like u dey cause accident with your akpangiri motor

Wetin you mean?
Ai no fit go station
Ai don de late for my meeting
Oya take the N20 make ai de go
My boss go fire me
If ai no de office in the next 20 minutes

Oga, na my turn now
N20 too small
If you go give me N100
I fit let you comot
Nothing more
Nothing less

Bros abeg, my oga
Ai no get N100
Make ai give you N40
Abeg, manage this N40
Make you remember say
Tomorrow na another day

Oya, bring am na
Na because na you sha
Hurry oo
Remember say you get meeting
But no too speed oo
My brothers de front

Thursday 12 April 2012

The road not traveled....

"The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry" ~ Robert Burns

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The future spreads out before me
And I stand on the brink
Should I step out
Or fade into the past?

The future is shrouded in shadows
And the past seems all familiar
Warm and comforting
Laurels formerly won
The future is a leap
A leap to heights unknown
Strange places, stranger faces
Am I ready?
On this threshold of womanhood
I stand on the closing gates of girlhood
Aware of the expectations
Should I leap?

But if I leap?
Who is there to catch me
Will there be warm arms
Or cold stares?

And beyond the jump
Is that firm lands I see
Or sinking sands?
Ready to suck me in

Life is so uncertain
Full of sweetness and sadness
Plenty of laughter
But also barrels of tears

So I go into the future
Like the caterpillar
Praying that time
Will split my cocoon

So that this butterfly may be free.

I wrote this poem many years ago when I was just leaving university, I was 21, with plans to travel for more studies. Also there was NYSC, both meant leaving home and leaving behind all that was familiar. In some ways certain things seem so clear then, I had confidence even in the midst of my uncertainties. All these times later, I somewhat feel I am still on the brink and leaping has not got any easier.

In life, I guess, there would always be decisions, duties, obligations, pleasures, really choices that can take us down different roads. We should be careful to make the best ones so we would have no need to second guess ourselves, 'what ifs' can be draining but can also be educative. I saw a quote recently that I thought was quite profound "The road not traveled..." I found that it is from a poem by Robert Frost and I have taken the liberty to post it on here, enjoy.

                                                  The Road Not Taken

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Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams ~ Eleanor Roosevelt