Thursday 26 April 2012

The Significant Few

"If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” ~ Albert Einstein

image courtesy of istockphoto

The “significant few” was the theme of a message I heard in church recently. The pastor took us through history to see that the progress mankind has made were achieved by outliers. Earthlings did not have a conference to discuss the need for airplanes, telephones, fans, cars or even the needle. One man or woman had an idea, researched it, failed at it and then succeeded to give us the inventions that “the many” enjoy today. This is how it has been since time immemorial and how it would always be.

The truth is mankind can be classed in three different groups. The Achievers - those who make things happen. The Scorners – those who watch things happen and finally, the Drifters– those who have no clue what is happening.

To be an achiever requires being ready to be mocked, gossiped about and derided in the public space yet never giving in. Achievers are not necessarily the most brilliant, the most talented or the most beautiful; they however run faster, run harder and run longer. They are those who stay awake long into the night to dream of solutions. The achiever may not be famous, in truth most people in this category are vilified in their lifetime, only later generations acknowledged their immerse contributions, Galileo anyone? In fact, some may never be acknowledged. However one thing is certain, they are passionate and they change their world even if that world contains only one person.

Scorners and spectators on the other hand know how best others should sow their fields. Funny thing about this class of people is that their fields are overrun with thorns and thistles. However, rather that weeding and cultivating their land, they use all their strength to build a very tall observatory from where they pass comments on those busy working their fields. These are distracters, ignore them!

You do not want to be a drifter, these bunch are out of it. They have no idea what is going on. The truth is that it is easy to be in this group. In fact, most people have been there at one point or the other. There is no harm in that; the problem is remaining in this group. Drifters are totally consumed with “what shall we eat?”, “what shall we drink?” and “what shall we wear?” so that there is no room for “more”.This is a poor life.

Now “more” is not something vague. It is having an interest in something other than you, it is enriching lives, and it is bringing joy. It is adding value to you and others. You know, it is taking the hand of that little old lady at the traffic crossing and getting her safely to the other side of the street. I believe we lose our humanity when we lose our ability to care. Not everyone can be an inventor but everyone can care.

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