Friday 25 January 2013

Bloody Immigrants......

Remember, remember always, that all of us... are descended from immigrants and revolutionists. ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt

I just came across this fantastic but infinitely sad music video by Maureen Aku Disu. I have posted the link here for your viewing pleasure.

The plight of majority of immigrants is harrowing, as Maureen aptly said in her song, they cannot win. If they have jobs, they are like locusts, come to eat the good of the land, and if they have no jobs, they are no better than parasites, feeding of the work of the nationals.

If we realize that none of us really have permanent claim to any one part of the earth, we will be more tolerant of those that have come to live amongst us whether for political, economical or religious reasons. For even if we have no cause to immigrate, our fathers before us did, or their fathers....

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