Thursday 17 January 2013


The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time. ~ Abraham Lincoln

A few days ago, an old friend told me she enjoys my blog and wanted to know why I had not written in a while. I didn't even know she read my blog as she had never commented but her statement further encouraged me in my resolve to befriend this space again.

You know when the scripture says the lines have fallen for me in pleasant spaces, it is a reality we can enjoy if we are patient enough. Patient enough to sow those seeds, to water them, to wait for the giver of life to cause them to sprout, to carefully weed around them so that life circumstances does not choke our budding tree to death. And with time, we will reap a worthy harvest.

Time I have found is our greatest friend, it causes real or perceived hurts to fade into insignificance, it makes fine the wine of true friendships and relationships, it broadens our perspectives and expands our horizon.

Time though is not transferable, I couldn't decide that I can only judiciously use 6 hours today and will add the extra 18 hours to tomorrow's allocation. Whether I use it or not, time goes so it should be our most prized possession. Wealth, we might recover, but time like youth is special because you only get one shot at it.

I have resolved personally to enjoy my time here, to nurture my relationships, to do my best in the career path that I am on, i have chosen to show those that I care about that I do, to cherish the one I would say I do to, to enjoy my children when the come because they grow up so fast. At the end of time, these are the factors that determine how well we have lived.

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